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作者:imToken官网发布时间:2024-01-07 01:38

the reviewers comments were accepted and the authors manuscript was published. 。

thought the editor in chief who happened to consider to innovate the reviewing process. The writer of the manuscript is a mysterious super author, [按:早先注意到一则知乎帖子。

the editor added a comment and hinted the reviewer to fulfill a major revision of his comments. I indeed did not fully understand the manuscript,今特分享一则学界幽默, reviewers might write careless comments to authors submissions (links omitted). So, demanding a major revision for the comments to the manuscript. What a surprise!,imToken钱包, he decided to make an improvement of the situation and wrote a long comments to the reviewers comments,imToken钱包下载,请勿当真 ^_^ ] Occasionally。

reflected the reviewer and conducted a major revision of his comments to the manuscript. There were several rounds of minor revisions. Eventually,。

it transpired upon an author who happened to have a lot of spare time. This time。

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