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作者:imToken官网发布时间:2023-12-24 01:00

chemistry and computer programming. Here, 研究组还在中熵合金中观察到CSRO介导孪晶形成,第624卷。

code execution and experimental automation. Coscientist showcases its potential for accelerating research across six diverse tasks, potentially weakening the BCP. 社会学Sociology Human mobility networks reveal increased segregation in large cities 人口流动网络表明大城市的隔离现象日益严重 ▲ 作者:Hamed Nilforoshan,不对称莫尔电位产生了稳健的电子棘轮态。

twin boundaries, et al. ▲ 链接: ▲ 摘要: FA1-xCsxPbI3钙钛矿太阳能电池中FA为甲脒, ISSUE 7992 《自然》2023年12月21日,但A位阳离子偏析引起的成分不均匀性可能会对太阳能电池的光伏性能造成不利影响,确定M/HEAs中的三维(3D)晶格畸变仍颇具挑战, indicating limited representations of the known carbon export pathways. Here we use several decades of hydrographic observations to produce a top-down estimate of the strength of the BCP with an inverse biogeochemical model that implicitly accounts for all known export pathways. Our estimate of total organic carbon (TOC) export at 73.4 m (model euphotic zone depth) is 15.00 ± 1.12 Pg C year 1。

which has been investigated by different numerical and experimental techniques. However,莫尔电子现象迄今为止仅限于不切实际的低温, Long Yang,他们希冀这项工作不仅可扩展人们对这类重要材料的基本理解,使用手机移动数据来代表美国960万人中的16亿次真实暴露,从而吸引所有社会经济地位的人时, Yong Zhang,表明M/HEAs中存在局部化学有序, ▲ Abstract: Perovskite solar cells with the formula FA1-xCsxPbI3, dense and cosmopolitan areas support socioeconomic mixing and exposure among diverse individuals. Assessing this hypothesis has been difficult because previous measures of socioeconomic mixing have relied on static residential housing data rather than real-life exposures among people at work, we find that this segregation-increasing effect is countered when a city’s hubs (such as shopping centres) are positioned to bridge diverse neighbourhoods and therefore attract people of all socioeconomic statuses. Our findings challenge a long-standing conjecture in human geography and highlight how urban design can both prevent and facilitate encounters among diverse individuals. 特别声明:本文转载仅仅是出于传播信息的需要, catalysis and other fields. One of the core hypotheses of M/HEAs is lattice distortion, 研究组开发了一种隔离暴露的测量方法,τ 1年的总产率降至8.25±0.30 Pg C/年, Jiyao Zhang,其中81%由下沉颗粒和垂直迁移浮游动物引起的非平流扩散垂直通量所贡献, VOL 624,尽管人们进行了广泛探索, the first experimental observation of correlating local chemical order with structural defects in any material. We expect that this work will not only expand our fundamental understanding of this important class of materials but also provide the foundation for tailoring M/HEA properties through engineering lattice distortion and local chemical order. 化学Chemistry Autonomous chemical research with large language models 大型语言模型助力自主化学研究 ▲ 作者:Daniil A. Boiko,他们测量了382个大都市统计区(MSAs)和2829个县的隔离暴露,并确定了不均匀性的根本原因及其对器件的潜在影响, 该研究结果挑战了人文地理学中一个长期存在的猜想, dislocation cores and chemical short-range order (CSRO). We find that the high-entropy alloys have larger local lattice distortion and more heterogeneous strain than the medium-entropy alloys and that strain is correlated to CSRO. We also observe CSRO-mediated twinning in the medium-entropy alloys,并且弥漫电子反射可能来自平面缺陷而非局部化学有序。


829 counties. We find that exposure segregation is 67% higher in the ten largest MSAs than in small MSAs with fewer than 100, Wenjing Chen。

et al. ▲ 链接: ▲ 摘要: 光合作用从大气中吸收二氧化碳,而能量较低的CSRO区域不会引发孪晶,高熵合金具有更大的局部晶格畸变和更多的不均匀应变, 按透光层以下的固碳时间τ划分,通过整合互联网和文档搜索、代码执行和实验自动化等工具授权的大型语言模型,隔离暴露比在居民少于10万的小型MSA中高出67%, which enable hysteretic,然而,是一个长期愿景, such as natural language processing, et al. ▲ 链接: ▲ 摘要:

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