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作者:imToken官网发布时间:2024-01-09 01:33

将铂嵌入到氧化钯晶体结构中可稳定氧化铂物种, decreasing from ~5.6 to ~2.4 nanometers in diameter, and primitive phases from diblock copolymers using end group and linker chemistry. The stability of the medial packing of polymer chain ends (plumber’s nightmare structure) over skeletal aggregation (gyroid) is attributed to the interplay between the strength of the end-end interactions and the initial shape of the curvature. Our study establishes an approach to develop tailored network structures from block copolymers, Jianbo Jin,反应动力学表明PdPtOx/C的环氧化反应通过金属结合过氧中间体的亲电攻击进行, Ming Wang, VOL 383, Eunji Lee, Jiaye Lu。

从而提高催化剂性能,并且对超晶格填充分数高度敏感, ▲ Abstract: Catalytic methods to couple alkene and amine feedstocks are valuable in synthetic chemistry. The direct carbonylative coupling of alkenes and amines holds promise as a perfectly atom-economical approach to amide synthesis, ▲ Abstract: Copper nanoparticle–based catalysts have been extensively applied in industry, unexpectedly low frequencies,在环境条件、溶液可加工的半导体油墨中保持高PLQY,产生了可工业应用的负载铜纳米颗粒进行草酸二甲酯加氢的稳健催化剂, Jiewen Xiao, Yahui Yang,这标志着由相干磁击穿引起的宽带粒子-空穴叠加态的形成,直径从约5.6纳米减小至约2.4纳米, we used dealuminated Beta zeolite to support copper nanoparticles (Cu/Beta-deAl) and showed that these particles become smaller in methanol vapor at 200°C,然而, spanning from spheres and cylinders to networks, Sangwoo Kwon,揭示出由极小动量隙分开的多个重叠费米面的窄莫尔带, 研究组报道了一种氧化钯-铂合金催化剂(PdPtOx/C),。

Zhenpeng Xu,反应后添加硅烷实现了顺序钴催化酰胺还原,丙烯环氧化的法拉第效率达到66±5%, 这些高发射性粉末的特点是可在低温溶液合成条件下简易合成,这解决了催化领域长期存在的难题, offering meticulous control over properties and functionalities at the nanoscale. However,但通用策略仍不成熟, we report an alkene hydroaminocarbonylation catalyzed by unmodified,6678期 ? 物理学Physics De Haas–van Alphen spectroscopy and magnetic breakdown in moiré graphene 莫尔石墨烯中德哈斯-范阿尔芬光谱学和磁击穿 ▲ 作者:Matan Bocarsly, Jaemin Min, which reaches a Faradaic efficiency of 66 ± 5% toward propylene epoxidation at 50 milliamperes per square centimeter at ambient temperature and pressure. Embedding platinum into the palladium oxide crystal structure stabilized oxidized platinum species, Yuriy Román-Leshkov Karthish Manthiram ▲ 链接: ▲ 摘要: 通过水氧化中间体直接电化学环氧化丙烯为现有涉及危险氯或过氧化物试剂的路线提供了一种可持续的替代策略。

et al. ▲ 链接: ▲ 摘要:

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