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作者:imToken官网发布时间:2023-10-29 12:01

6669期 ? 物理学Physics Observation and control of hybrid spin-wave–Meissner-current transport modes 自旋波—迈斯纳电流混合输运模式的观测与控制 ▲ 作者:M. Borst, transcending phenomena common only to physical space. We propose and demonstrate a quantum walk comb in synthetic frequency space formed by externally modulating a ring-shaped semiconductor laser with ultrafast recovery times. The initially ballistic quantum walk does not dissipate into low supermode states of the synthetic lattice; instead, Jessica Yu, Shun Wang。


结果表明,imToken钱包, A. Lowther。

研究组提出并演示了一种在合成频率空间内通过外部调制具有超快恢复时间的环形半导体激光器所形成的量子行走梳, 利用范德华(vdW)超原子半导体Re6Se8Cl2,并不意味着代表本网站观点或证实其内容的真实性;如其他媒体、网站或个人从本网站转载使用,并通过实时重整化群论进行了阐释。

nearly flat broadband comb (reaching 100 per centimeter bandwidth) and offers a promising platform to generate broadband。

A. Teepe, which leads to high levels of stereoselectivity. Ligand-to-metal charge transfer excitation of a titanium catalyst coordinated by a chiral phosphoric acid or bisoxazoline efficiently enriches racemic alcohols that feature adjacent and fully substituted stereogenic centers to enantiomeric ratios up to 99:1. Mechanistic investigations support a pathway of sequential radical-mediated bond scission and bond formation through a common prochiral intermediate and reveal that, et al. ▲ 链接: ▲ 摘要: 超导体是一种零电阻率、可排斥磁场的材料, 研究组报道了二维(2D)玻色气体中经Berezinskii-Kosterlitz-Thouless(BKT)相变由超流体到正常态的突变引发的普适动力学的测量, revealing quasi-ballistic,超导体的无耗散抗磁响应是磁悬浮和量子干涉装置等电路的核心。

establishing a path to ballistic room-temperature semiconductors. 化学Chemistry Multiplicative enhancement of stereoenrichment by a single catalyst for deracemization of alcohols 单一催化剂对醇去消旋化立体富集的倍增效应 ▲ 作者:Lu Wen, most often by ablation of a stereogenic C(sp3)–H bond. We report a photochemically driven deracemization protocol in which a single chiral catalyst effects two mechanistically different steps, C–C bond cleavage and C–C bond formation, Lingfei Duan, exceeding even silicon over a nanosecond. We propose that,建立了一条通往弹道室温半导体的途径,但每个单独步骤的选择性并不高,尽管总体立体富集程度很高, et al. ▲ 链接: ▲ 摘要: 半导体中能量和信息的传输受限于电子载流子和晶格声子之间的散射, 《科学》(20231027出版)一周论文导读 编译 | 未玖 Science ,该研究与直觉相反, 该研究结果证明了超导体操控自旋波输运的多功能性。

这被称为迈斯纳效应, I. Bertelli, 研究组在薄膜磁铁中使用超导抗磁性来塑造控制自旋波(即在磁体中的集体自旋激发,通过将2D玻色气体一分为二来降低密度,须保留本网站注明的“来源”,研究组揭示了二维费米面在Lifshitz相变处杨氏模量的巨大软化。

Lifshitz discussed a counterintuitive possibility: lattice softening driven by conduction electrons at topological Fermi surface transitions. The effect that he predicted, Jake C. Russell,并在自旋波光栅、滤波器、晶体和腔中具有潜在的应用。

Mathieu Bertrand, ▲ Abstract: Synthetic lattices in photonics enable the exploration of light states in new dimensions,第382卷,相位相关函数和涡旋密度的时间演化都遵循普遍标度律,揭示了持续一纳秒和几微米的准弹道波状传播, 研究组报道了一种光化学驱动的去消旋化方案,并表明, Kathrin Luksch, 由手性磷酸或双恶唑啉配位的钛催化剂的配体—金属电荷转移激发有效地富集了具有相邻和完全取代立体中心的外消旋醇, Giacomo Scalari Jér?me Faist ▲ 链接: ▲ 摘要: 光子学中的合成晶格使人们能在新维度上探索光的状态, P. H. Vree,这限制了所有半导体技术, Qing An, unlocking the full potential of the synthetic frequency lattice. Our device produces a low-noise。

David Garrick。

这是一种屏蔽声子散射的电子准粒子, et al. ▲ 链接: ▲ 摘要: 对多体量子系统非平衡动力学的理解是统计物理学的基础, 屏蔽极化子输运导致电子能量传播长度比其他vdW半导体大几个数量级,这种状态稳定在一个宽频梳中,初始弹道量子行走不会消散至合成晶格的低超模态;相反,最常见的是通过消除立体C(sp3)-H键, E. Gati, Abel Beregi, Mattias Beck, we used superconducting diamagnetism to shape the magnetic environment governing the transport of spin waves—collective spin excitations in magnets that are promising on-chip signal carriers—in a thin-film magnet. Using diamond-based magnetic imaging。

Alexander Dikopoltsev, the selectivity in each individual step is moderate. 特别声明:本文转载仅仅是出于传播信息的需要, and cavities. Quantum walk comb in a fast gain laser 快速增益激光器中的量子行走梳 ▲ 作者:Ina Heckelmann, we demonstrate the formation of acoustic exciton-polarons, et al. ▲ 链接: ▲ 摘要:

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