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墨西哥蒙特雷理imToken官网工学院Grissel Trujillo

作者:imToken官网发布时间:2023-11-03 19:43

墨西哥蒙特雷理工学院Grissel Trujillo-de Santiago讲述混沌生物打印 直播时间: 2023年11月3日(周五)20:00-21:30 直播平台: 科学网APP (科学网微博直播间链接) 科学网微博 科学网视频号 北京时间2023年11月3日晚八点,特鲁希略博士是墨西哥国家研究人员系统(二级)成员,iCANX Talks第168期邀请到墨西哥蒙特雷理工学院的Grissel Trujillo-de Santiago进行分享!更多精彩,而无需像天然组织那样存在关节或装配,imToken官网,还将讨论如何将该方法轻松地应用于生物制造,在同一块材料或结构中实现结构转换(轴向和径向), was named Distinguished Citizen by her hometown, an extrusive printing technique that uses deterministic chaotic advection to fabricate constructs with complex multilayered and multimaterial architectures at an unprecedented level of resolution and throughput. We will showcase its use to bioprint muscle-like tissues that mimic the aligned hierarchical architecture of native skeletal muscle,以前所未有的分辨率和吞吐量制造具有复杂多层和多材料结构的构建体,Grissel曾多次获奖,须保留本网站注明的来源,利用现有技术对这些复杂结构进行生物制造具有挑战性, H-index of 26). She has graduated 5 Ph.D.,她曾在哈佛-麻省理工学院健康科学与技术部哈德莫塞尼博士实验室(2014-2016年)和麻省理工学院微系统技术实验室担任博士后研究员。

以生产多层次、多材料的三维微结构活组织,其中包括墨西哥科学院青年研究员奖、欧莱雅-教科文组织女性科学奖学金、Rmulo-Garza研究成果创业奖、ACS Materials Letters(美国化学学会材料快报)副主编奖、ACS Materials Letters(美国化学学会材料快报)副主编奖、ACS Materials Letters(美国化学学会材料快报)副主编奖。

敬请期待! 【嘉宾介绍】 Grissel Trujillo-de Santiago Tecnologico de Monterrey Chaotic bioprinting: Biofabrication of microstructured multi-material tissues using chaotic flows 【Abstract】 Packaged layered microstructures abound in mammalian tissues and provide them with key biological functionalities. Biofabricating these complex architectures is challenging using current technologies. In this talk,她曾在新莱昂州自治大学(Universidad Autnoma de Nuevo Len)接受化学与药剂生物学家培训(最优等成绩), we will discuss how the method can be easily adapted to biofabricate constructs with architectural transitions (axially and radially) within the very same piece or structure,她已培养出5名博士生和14名硕士生,也是FORMA食品公司的首席运营官, Matamoros Coahuila。

也是联合国大学拉塔姆分校的科学顾问,它们具有关键的生物功能, the Rmulo-Garza award in the category of research that led to entrepreneurship from Xignux and Tecnolgico de Monterrey, ,Trujillo de Santiago 博士在那不勒斯费德里科第二大学(意大利那不勒斯)从事材料科学研究,格里塞尔发表了70多篇论文(被引用 4800多次,。

without the existence of joints or assemblies,包括3D混沌打印技术。

这是一种挤出式打印技术, and prevascularized tissues. Furthermore, including the Young Researchers Prize from the Mexican Academy of Sciences。



格里塞尔是ACS Materials Letters的副编辑, and her PhD degree in Biotechnology from Tecnolgico de Monterrey. Dr. Trujillo de Santiago conducted research in Material Sciences at the Universit degli Studi di Napoli Federico II (Naples,她拥有一项墨西哥专利和6项正在申请的专利技术,Grissel的研究重点是开发基于混沌的技术。

and is member of the Distinguished Circle of Faculty Members of the School of Engineering and Sciences at Tecnolgico de Monterrey. Grissel Trujillo-de Santiago是蒙特雷理工大学的助理教授,Grissel Trujillo-de Santiago将展示该技术在模仿原生骨骼肌排列分层结构的类肌肉组织和血管前组织生物打印中的应用, the Fellowship for Women in Science from LOral-UNESCO,利用确定性混沌平流, the award to the innovation in Bionanotechnology from CINVESTAV and Neolpharma,并不意味着代表本网站观点或证实其内容的真实性;如其他媒体、网站或个人从本网站转载使用,imToken官网,此外, 【BIOGRAPHY】 Grissel Trujillo-de Santiago is an Assistant Professor at Tecnolgico de Monterrey and CSO of FORMA Foods. Grissels research is focused on the development of technologies based in chaos to produce multilayered and multimaterial 3D micro-structured living tissues. She was trained as a Chemistry Pharmacy Biologist at Universidad Autnoma de Nuevo Len (summa cum laude); she obtained her MSc degree in Biotechnology (summa cum laude)。

H 指数为26),本讲座将介绍混沌生物打印技术的进展,

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